
The Calendar app comes installed with Nextcloud Hub by default, but can be disabled. Please ask your Administrator for it.

The Nextcloud Calendar app works similar to other calendar applications you can sync your Nextcloud calendars and events with.

When you first access the Calendar app, a default first calendar will be created for you.


Managing your calendars

Create a new Calendar

If you plan on setting up a new calendar without transferring any old data from your previous calendar, creating a new calendar is the way you should go.


  1. Click on + New Calendar in the left sidebar.
  2. Type in a name for your new calendar, e.g. “Work”, “Home” or “Marketing planning”.
  3. After clicking on the checkmark, your new calendar is created and can be synced across your devices, filled with new events and shared with your friends and colleagues.


Import a Calendar

If you want to transfer your calendar and their respective events to your Nextcloud instance, importing is the best way to do so.


  1. Click on the settings-icon labeled with Settings & Import at the left-bottom.
  2. After clicking on + Import Calendar you can select one or more calendar files from your local device to upload.
  3. The upload can take some time and depends on how big the calendar you import is.