Nextcloud fully supports the WebDAV protocol, and you can connect and synchronize with Nextcloud Files over WebDAV. In this chapter, you will learn how to connect Linux, macOS, Windows, and mobile devices to your Nextcloud server.

WebDAV stands for Distributed Authoring and Versioning. It is an HTTP extension that makes it easy to create, read, and edit files hosted on remote Web servers. With a WebDAV client, you can access your Nextcloud Files (including shares) on Linux, macOS and Windows in a similar way as any remote network share, and stay synchronized.

Before we get into configuring WebDAV, let’s take a quick look at the recommended way of connecting client devices to Nextcloud.

Official Nextcloud desktop and mobile clients

The recommended way to synchronize a computer with a Nextcloud server is by using the official Nextcloud sync clients. You can configure the client to save files in any local directory and you can choose which directories on the Nextcloud server to sync with. The client displays the current connection status and logs all activity, so you always know which remote files have been downloaded to your PC and you can verify that files created and updated on your local PC are properly synchronized with the server.

The recommended way to synchronize Android and Apple iOS devices is by using the official Nextcloud mobile apps.

To connect the official Nextcloud apps to a Nextcloud server use the same URL you use to access Nextcloud from your web browser - e.g.:

` (if Nextcloud is installed in a subdirectory called "nextcloud")`

Third-party WebDAV clients

If you prefer, you may also connect your computer to your Nextcloud server by using any third-party client that supports the WebDAV protocol (including what may be built into your operating system).

You can also use third-party WebDAV capable apps to connect your mobile device to Nextcloud.

When using third-party clients, keep in mind that they may not be optimized for use with Nextcloud or implement capabilities you consider important to your use case.

Mobile clients that Nextcloud community members have reported using include:

The URL to use when configuring third-party apps to connect to Nextcloud is a bit lengthier than the one for official clients:

` (if Nextcloud is installed in a subdirectory called "nextcloud")`


When using a third-party WebDAV client (including your operating system’s built-in client), you should use an application password for login rather than your regular password. In addition improved security, this increases performance significantly. To configure an application password, log into the Nextcloud Web interface, click on the avatar in the top right and choose Personal settings. Then choose Security in the left sidebar and scroll to the very bottom. There you can create an app password (which can also be revoked in the future without changing your main user password).
